Her laugh

Created by gorodn tristyn 9 years ago
My mother, The Gramma Goddess, had a laugh you could hear throughout the house. When she heard something she thought was hilarious, she would let out this loud, boustruous laugh that made people turn to look. As a child, I didn't notice it's significance, as a teen I was embarrassed, as her adult child, I could always use a good laugh and my mom was definitely the one to share it with. My mother had no problem if the laugh with with her or at her, it made no difference, which I am now just realizing is a very special gift; to laugh at oneself. A couple years before her death, my mom gave my sister and I each a picture, both identical, and framed. The picture was a closeup (very close up) of my mom head back and laughing that famous laugh of hers. I kind of thought it was a strange picture to give out because it was just mainly her face,head back, chin up, eyes closed, big Norwegioan cheeks. Not a usual pic that waarrents framing and giving out. But my sis and I shrugged, smiled and accepted these gifts. So the other day I came across the picture in a stack of framed pics I had planned to someday hang on the wall and I've been here for six years now). I was looking at the picture and I was thinking, thank God Mom gave me this so I could see her laughing and happy and alive any time I want. And it dawned on me that that was why she gave my sister and I those pictures. She wanted us both to be reminded of her love and laughfter. My mom was a wonderful confidant and I knew that she was ALWAYS right when it came to advice. With this picture I can get my advice. Out of all of life's difficulties that we trudge through and all the good times that we experience, which one's are ultimately the most important and most valued? The goodtimes of course! The birth of your baby, your intimate times with your loved ones, laughing it up with family around the campfire or even the dinner table. That is what we flourish from, that's how we live this life and get through the storms that try to shake our foundations. We do it together. Thanks, Mom