My "dog" friend

Created by kateisaredhead 12 years ago
Jennifer was my dog friend. We met on the street in front of my house when my old lab, Shadow, went roaring down the driveway at full speed. Jennifer didn't flinch, instead welcoming Shadow with a hug. We sat and talked for over an hour about her dogs (3 at that time). I found out later that she literally lived one block away. She would come visit and bring the dogs. We would chat about her activities at her church and life in general. Seeing that she received her Masters in Counseling explains why she was such a jewel to talk to. It was really eery, because I was just thinking about Jennifer today, then got to work and saw the email. I regret the months that have gone by since chatting with Jennifer by email or on Facebook. Always tell a friend they're thought of before it's too late. She will be missed. She was a treasure.